Media Mentions
If you are a journalist you can find more information here.
Below you can find just some of the mentions we've had in the mainstream media. Specialist media and blogs can be found here.
Fair Pay for Workers Can Help End Child Poverty (11.10.2011)
Child poverty isn't just about welfare. Without decent wages, many parents can't support or spend time with their children.
Read more
Fair pay plea as MP urges top Scots firms to hike minimum wage up to a living wage (22.08.2011)
SCOTLAND'S bosses have been urged to give their lowest paid staff more than £7 an hour.
Read more
How low pay is moving up pension funds' governance agendas (27.07.2011)
Institutional investors eager to take on pay at the top have so far been silent on pay at the other end - but low pay is moving up pension funds' governance agendas.
More on Low Pay and Pensions Funds
MP backs living wage(08.07.2011)
Sandra Osborne, MP for Ayr, Carrick and Cumnock, is calling for the biggest companies in her constituency and across the country to pay their workers living wages.
Read more about Sandra signing the EDM
Big business told to cough up (08.07.2011)
Unions threw their weight today behind MPs demanding that Britain's wealthiest businesses start paying their workers a living wage.
Read more about the EDM on Living Wages
The True Cost of High Executive Pay (19.05.2011)
People are rightly angry about high pay but we must also focus our attention on ensuring that Britain's biggest companies, who continue to pay poverty wages while awarding executives extremely generous wages, reward their workers with living wages.
Read our letter published in The Guardian
Lloyds AGM as it happened (18.05.2011)
The Daily Telegrpah continue their coverage of Bank's AGMs and reference FairPensions prolific tweeting in their article.
FairPensions at the Lloyds AGM
Standard Life agree to pay Living Wages (18.05.2011)
Standard life have begun talks with their contractors in order to become a Living Wage employer. They made the announcement at their AGM after being asked a question by FairPensions
Standard Life to Pay Living Wages
Put Paid to Poverty (13.05.2011)
The time has come for Britain's biggest companies to pay their way and ensure that all of their workers earn enough to enjoy a decent quality of life.
Read the full blog post
Shareholder boost The Living Wage Campaign (08.05.2011)
FairPensions CEO, Catherine Howarth, featured on The Sunday Programme talking about our campaign and the involvement of faith investors.
Listen again and find our slot six minutes in
Take action for a Living Wage (04.05.2011)
If the excessive pay of some corporate execs makes your blood boil, then you should be concerned about the UK's equally vexing problem of low pay. 3.5 million working adults aged over 22 were earning less than £7 an hour in 2010.
Read more about Living Wages in The Ecologist
Protestors demand a 'living wage' (03.05.2011)
Two and a half thousand investors, philanthropists and religious leaders gathered in central London yesterday to urge leading companies to pay workers a "living wage".
More on us demanding a living wage
'Living wage' campaign backed by investors worth £13bn (02.05.2011)
A group of investors worth £13bn are holding a rally on Monday to push major companies into paying a "living wage".
More on the rally
Catherine Howarth on Drivetime
Our CEO, Catherine Howarth, was on BBC Radio London talking about The Living Wage.
Goldman Sachs nun wants Britain to end low wage habit (01.05.2011)
The nun taking Goldman Sachs to task over excessive executive pay has joined a campaign to force Britain's biggest companies to increase wages for their lowest-paid workers. FairPensions, which has led campaigns on the environmental impact of tar-sands mining, says that 3.5m adults over the age of 22 earned less than £7 an hour in 2010
FTSE firms must pay living wage, says ‘shareholder nun' (01.05.2011)
Sister Nora and the Methodist and the United Reform churches are turning their focus onto FTSE 100 firms.
More on FairPensions' campaign
Banks targeted by living wage campaigners (01.05.2011) |
TAXPAYER-BACKED banks which have paid millions of pounds in bonuses to senior staff are to be targeted by religious investors demanding a living wage for all employees.
More on FairPensions targeting the banks
Goldman nuns take aim at FTSE 100 low payers (01.05.2011)
Investors representing total funds worth £13bn, including the Central Finance Board of the Methodist Church and the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust, have written to all large-cap chief executives asking that the living wage be paid across their UK operations.
More on the Investors
Other Media Mentions
The Bottom of the Pile (20.05.2011)
There will be those that argue that both extremely high pay and very low pay are unavoidable features of running a business. It is our job to show that companies owe it to their staff, customers and shareholders to pay their workers wages upon which they can support themselves and their families.
Read more from The Young Greens Blog
Help us push the living wage to stop the widening pay gap (17.05.2011)
The working poor, many of whom work for FTSE 100 companies, make up an unsettling proportion of the workforce in this country. Over 3.5 million people over 22 survive on less than £7 an hour, with the proportion amongst young workers being even higher. And inflation, currently at 4% is expected to rise.
Read the full blog post on Liberal Conspiracy
The Living Wage Campaign (12.05.2011)
A few weeks ago, as thousands queued outside Westminster Abbey to catch a glimpse of Kate's wedding bouquet, hundreds of others gathered nearby in Central Hall for another kind of celebration.
Read more from the IRR
10 years of The Living Wage (11.05.2011)
Fair Pensions are working with Citizens UK to secure permission from shareholders from some of the world's biggest companies, to attend AGMs on their behalf and vote as proxies.
Read Dannie Grufferty's Blog
FTSE 100 employers lobbied to address the issue of low pay in their businesses (04.05.2011)
Investors worth more than £13 billion are issuing a call to FTSE 100 companies to adopt Living Wage standards across their UK operations, as a new campaign gathers momentum on both sides of the Atlantic.
More on Investor Lobbying
High profile investors back campaign for "living wage" (03.02.2011)
A group of investors worth £13 billion are calling for the top 100 UK companies to improve salaries and implement a "living wage".
More on Investors Calling for a 'Living Wage'
Investors pressure top companies on low pay (01.05.2011)
A coalition of investors including charities and churches is set to use its influence as shareholders and challenge the UK's largest companies to pay a living wage to all their staff.
More on Investor Pressure
Media Toolkit
Journalists who wish to cover the campaign or would like interviews/ more information can contact Matthew Butcher on (out of office hours).
Our mentions in the media can be found here.
Information for journalists:
Press Release on our EDM (07.07.2011) |
Press Release for Whitbread (21.06.2011) |
Press Release for Standard Life (17.05.2011) |
Press Release for Glaxo (05.05.2011) |
Diary Notice
Living Wage FAQ
Letter sent to FTSE 100 CEOs
Press Release (May 1st)