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Campaigning is a key part of FairPensions' drive towards improving corporate behaviour through Responsible Investment. We aim to mobilise the financial power of  pension investments to create change: as major shareholders in  companies, pension funds have enormous power to improve corporate behaviour on the environment and human rights. FairPensions campaigns to ensure that this investor power is harnessed.

Current Campaigns



JustPay! The campaign for a Living Wage

FairPensions' JustPay! Campaign aims to permanently embed Living Wage standards in the UK's private sector, beginning with the biggest companies on the London Stock Exchange, namely the FTSE 100.

Take action today and ask your bank, insurer and other financial service providers to pay their workers Living Wages.

Activate your money


Stay Connected: Telecoms and Human Rights

In July 2011 FairPensions teamed up with our new member organisation, New York based digital rights campaigners Access, to mobilise shareholders over the issue of telecommunication companies ("telecoms") and human rights abuses. Recent events in the Middle East have shone a spotlight on the role that telecoms have played in the suppression of pro-democracy movements.

Find out more about Stay Connected





Influencing the Investment Industry

An important part of FairPensions' campaigning is direct engagement with pension funds and fund managers. Through investor engagement, regular briefings and publications and attending AGMs, we aim to show investors how Responsible Investment will complement and support their long-term financial best interests, as well as improving corporate impacts of human rights and the environment.

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Past Campaigns

FairPensions has a history of highly effective campaigning for Responsible Investment. Working with leading international charities Oxfam and CAFOD, we've successfully campaigned to secure the availability of affordable generic medicines in developing countries, and mobilised hundreds of pension-holders to call for action on destructive mining practices.

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